Do not miss the opportunity, Get your university admission now

We are a pioneer company in the field of student services and university registrations. Alemni Shokran Company was established in 2015 with the objective of helping foreign students to register at Turkish universities.

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Our site's search engine is characterized by accuracy, all you need is to choose the degree, language, then specialization and then click on Show results.

Why use our platform

4 reasons to use our platform

Admission is free

Admission is free

It is a leading company in the field of student services and university admissions.

Professional team

Professional team

It is a leading company in the field of student services and university admissions.

Free consultations

Free consultations

It is a leading company in the field of student services and university admissions.

Distinctive discounts

Distinctive discounts

It is a leading company in the field of student services and university admissions.

Turkish universities

Most famous Turkish universities on our platform

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Bahcesehir University of Batumi

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Testimonials of Testimonials Testimonials

As we all know, it’s easy for marketers

Testimonials take the spotlight away from the seller, and shine it on the customer. Your customer was once in the shopper’s shoes, debating what product to choose, comparing prices,

Hassan Ahmed


While all of these strategies can be successful

Testimonials take the spotlight away from the seller, and shine it on the customer. Your customer was once in the shopper’s shoes, debating what product to choose, comparing prices,

Ahmed Saad


it is absolutely critical for businesses

Testimonials take the spotlight away from the seller, and shine it on the customer. Your customer was once in the shopper’s shoes, debating what product to choose, comparing prices,

Alaa Hassan


it is absolutely critical for businesses

Testimonials take the spotlight away from the seller, and shine it on the customer. Your customer was once in the shopper’s shoes, debating what product to choose, comparing prices,

Alaa Hassan

How to get accepted how to get accepted.

How to get accepted


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